Are you local?  

Yes. We live in and are from Hawaii. Our main offices are in Hawaii.

Why do you represent people in American Samoa, Guam, the CNMI, and other countries in the Pacific?

All Social Security and SSI Disability claims in the Pacific go to the Honolulu Social Security Hearing Office. You may be 5,000 miles from this hearing office, but our main office is only three blocks from it. We exclusively work with this hearing office and know it very well. 

We began helping people with VA Disability claims outside of Hawaii who were already our clients for Social Security and SSI Disability. While VA Disability claims outside of Hawaii will often go to offices other than Honolulu, we have now developed the necessary relationships so that we can help our clients pursue these claims, as well. 

In addition, before covid and once it is safe to travel again, our attorney, Diane C. Haar travels to the territories A LOT. This is not just to represent people for Social Security and Veterans Disability claims, but also to see friends and spend time with her husband, who after twenty-five years on active duty, still works for DOD and travels throughout the Pacific for his work. Diane is often in South Korea and Japan, as well as other countries in the Pacific region for the same reason. As those who have served are aware, friends are made everywhere in the world, and the world becomes a very small place. This is true for Diane.

Do you come to my island in Hawaii?

Yes. Prior to covid, and when it is safe again, we will regularly go to all of the inhabited islands in Hawaii, except Niihau. Give us a call, and we'll set up an appointment to see you. Until then, we can help you over the phone and internet, as well as through the mail. We have permanent offices on Big Island and Oahu.

Why meet in person?

Because we want to win and you do, too. Knowing who you are is part of the key to our success. Law firms do not care about file folders. They care about people. We go the extra mile, because we know you, and we care what happens to you. At the end of the day, you are our friends and our neighbors.

In addition, because we know you, we do not shy away or shirk the harder cases. Your medical records may not have the information that shows you are disabled even though you are. However, when we know you, and you talk to us, we can work on getting this information to win your case.

We realize covid has made this difficult, but we still have the phone, email, texts, and zoom. When necessary, we use masks and social distancing. Anything to keep you safe, but also to make sure we have the information we need to win your case. 

What if I don't want to meet in person?

No problem! Particularly with covid, we have adapted to keep you safe, whether it is by phone, email, text, zoom, or whatever else we can use to work with you and be successful in getting you benefits. We are also aware some folks are uncomfortable with meeting in person. We understand and want to make this process as comfortable and safe for our clients as possible.

Are you going to send me to Social Security to put in my application for benefits or do my own appeals?

Absolutely not! We do your initial applications for you and send them to the Social Security Administration. We prefer to be with you every step of the way, because this makes it much easier to ensure everything is complete and correct, and we believe you prefer this, as well. 

Do I have to put in my own Social Security appeal?

 No. Please call us. We would prefer to be involved at every step in the process. Some attorneys might tell you to do it yourself “in case you win.” Do you really think they would turn you away if they thought you had a winning case?

Do I have a good case? Nobody will take my case.

Whether you are under 50, had a sit down job, are highly educated, do not have a lot of medical records, or whatever it is that is making other attorneys tell you “no” or not call you back does not mean you have a bad case. It often just means you have a more difficult case. If you are disabled and cannot work anymore, our attorney is not afraid to take a more difficult case, and she does not shy away from hard work. She has won plenty of cases other attorneys would not touch. Call us.

My attorney dropped me! Can you help?

We have also helped a lot of people in this situation and won their cases. We take on claims at any stage in the process, and our attorney truly thrives on challenges. Getting that favorable outcome for our clients where others were afraid to try is one of the things we do that makes us the most proud.

What do I need to do to make sure my case is successful?

Go to the doctor regularly. Even if there is nothing your doctor can do, you still need medical evidence to show your condition still exists.

 Also, if your address changes, let us know. Same with your phone number and email address. Did you know, we have had people approved for benefits who can't ever be paid, because we cannot find them? 

Can I appeal if I lose at a Social Security hearing?

Yes. You have four more appeals after a Social Security hearing. We can help. Call us: (808) 536-8074 or toll-free (888) 557-9789. Do not give up. We won't.

 Why is your win rate so high?

For every single person at HDLS, this is exactly the job we chose and want to do. It is why no one at HDLS shies away from working hard. We could not imagine doing anything else. Don't give up. We've got your back.

    Contact Us Today!

    Hawaii Disability Legal Services, LLLC is committed to helping you obtain Social Security, SSI, and Veteran's Disability in Hawaii, the Pacific Territories, the Philippines, and other countries in the Pacific Region.

    We offer a free consultation. We will gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience.

    There is no fee until our attorney gets you benefits. You don't have to do this alone.
